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(Exit Planning/Valuation/Sell)

We help business owners who are interested in selling their business to internal or external buyers. By working with owners on how to make the most of their business value, we address their retirement or exit financial needs and plan for what happens after they sell. Our clients are often unsure of what steps to take to make a smooth transition so we help them plan for a future with which they can be comfortable. Our advising helps reduce the stress of the process.


Overview Video of Exit/Transition Services

Exit/Transition/Sell Business Plan

We help you assess what your business is worth and how you can increase the value before you sell. When a company is valued, it involves far more than looking at a financial statement. The Kansas SBDC looks at a variety of components, including the operation of the business, customers, the industry, and more. 

Business Valuation

We provide you with the assistance you need to maximize the value of your business, so you can exit on your terms. We work with you to determine the current value of your business and assess where you need to build value, enabling you to achieve your financial goals inside and outside of the business.

Valuation Improvement Plan (if time)

Terminating Employees

Funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the U.S. Small Business Administration.

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